[判断题]According to Text I, Francis Bacon maintained that any earthly goods could be used for evil purposes.( )

According to Text I, Francis Bacon maintained that any earthly goods could be used for evil purposes.( )



[多选题]中华人民共和国的成立,标志着近代以来中国面临的第一项历史任务,即( )和人民解放的任务基本上完成了。这就为实现第二项历史,即( )和人民的共同富裕,创造了前提,开辟了道路。

2022-5-18 23:03:08


[判断题]According to Text I, Science, ethics and philosophy are different means to gain understanding, but they all develop in a cumulative way.( )

2022-5-18 23:03:10